Experience the rich heritage of Indian block printing with Knottylooms’ latest creation. Originating in China over 4000 years ago, this ancient art form finds its vibrant expression in the Rajasthan region of India.

Traditionally, artisans meticulously engrave intricate designs onto wooden blocks, creating a slow yet mesmerizing process. Initially utilizing natural dyes mixed with binders, these dyes were then rolled onto the engraved blocks and stamped onto fabric. While synthetic dyes have become prevalent in modern times, the essence of this ancient craft remains.

Behold this satin silk tie, its black base adorned with a striking contrast of white leaf block print. This infusion of tradition and contemporary design offers a bright and cheerful look, perfect for both formal occasions and casual gatherings.

Embrace the fusion of Western style and Indian heritage with Knottylooms, where every piece tells a story of craftsmanship and elegance.